Monday, February 8, 2010

Gilgamesh Tablets II & III Response

Besides being one of the earliest known works of literature, Gilgamesh is a pretty interesting book in many ways.

The way that the author wrote this book is very different and unique compared to other writings these days. The plot and events of the story seem to happen and change fast while reading it. Tablet II starts out with Enkidu trying to prove his strength and power by going on a journey to Uruk to face the strong and mighty king, Gilgamesh. By the end of tablet III, Gilgamesh and Enkidu were already friends and they were planning on a journey together to go into the Cedar Forest to destroy a dreadful demon called Huwawa that could kill any normal man if it wanted to. Everything else happened only between two tablets (chapters). It is kind of interesting because it's a new style that I haven't seen before but I would have suggested the author to have slowed down and taken a bit more time to describe and add more things.

Besides that, tablets II and III were good, but there was one part that kind of caught my attention or maybe even confused me a bit. I still don't understand why the two strongest and most powerful beings would decide to kiss each other. I don't have anything against it, but it's just weird how Enkidu gives up his fight with Gilgamesh so easily and ends up kissing him right afterward. But, that did add to the uniqueness of the book so I wouldn't change it if I were the author.

So, I guess it was fun reading it, but the only thing was that it was a bit short.

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