Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Modern Greek

Phaeton, I think, is one of those typical mischievous kids that are selfish and that always cause problems. But, of course, with a slight touch of the exaggeration of Greek mythology, Phaeton causes a bit more than just a little problem usually seen in fictional stories. He asks his dad, Apollo (the god of the sun), to lend him his chariot that transports the sun around the Earth. Big mistake. He ends up destroying most of Earth, the stars above, and later on, himself. So yes, that's how the story goes. But, what was so interesting about this story was the way Phaeton talked:

"Now, there's only one thing I want, I mean it's obvious, right? I say, 'Give me the keys to your car.' Immediately, he starts backpedaling, saying it's his job."

Through this, we can surely tell that this version of the story is a remake of the actual original myth. I mean, of course there were no cars in ancient times. But, I guess that made the play a bit funnier and entertaining.

The way that the story of Eros and Psyche was written in Metamorphoses was very short but to the point. The characters Q and A obviously represented the words, question and answer. But, the characteristic that interested me the most was the way that Q and A talked to each other about Eros and Psyche. Just like Phaeton, Q and A also had modern characteristics. They were both talking to each other as if they were telling some kind of a gossip about someone (just like normal people today). The whole purpose of this part of the play, in my opinion, was to briefly explain the story of Eros and Psyche in a more informal way.

What also caught my attention was when Q and A started talking about the ending of this story:

Q: "So it has a happy ending?"
A: "It has a very happy ending."
Q: "Almost none of these stories have completely happy endings."

I agree with Q: almost none of these stories have happy endings. There's always some kind of a love problem that interferes with the happiness of the characters. But, I think that it's better to have a bit of a sad ending because it makes the reader think about it afterward. This story, on the other hand, didn't leave me thinking about it because it had a happy ending. I'm not trying to say that I like sad endings. I'm just saying that sad endings makes you think more. Anyway, it was fun reading this. Even though it was a bit short, I think it was able to cover the main ideas of the actual story.

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